
Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Winter Learning Journey - D4 A1

Winter Learning Journey
Day 4, Activity 1

Swimming with the sharks

I read about whales who accidentally swam into Farewell spit and how it became a whale graveyard. Whales must have accidentally swam into the spit and were unable to swim back into the ocean because they were stuck in the shallow part of it. This is what some local people did to try and save the beached whales...

They suggested they keep the whales wet, keep their blow holes clear and to stay away from the animals' tails. They also decided to use some of their clothing so that they could drape them over the whales. The next day, the whales had gone and the spit became a whale graveyard.


Unknown said...

Hey Jazire!

Well done for completing this task - I'm wondering.. Why do you think we should keep away from the whales tail?

Nicky :)

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