
Monday, 10 July 2017

Winter Learning Journey - Laura Dekker sailing trip D2 A2

Winter Learning Journey
Day 2, Activity 2

I watched a youtube video of Laura Dekker, a 16 year old girl, who sailed around the world...alone! It really inspired me. I can tell she is a very brave young woman, and if I got to interview her, these would be five of the questions I would ask her.

* "Laura, was it scary being out there all alone?"
* "Exactly How many places did you get to visit on your trip?"
* "What advice can you give to all those young children wanting to grow up to be just like you?"
* "Did you learn anything from the places you visited?"
* " You were only at some places for a few days. Was it easy to fit in though?"


Unknown said...

Kia Ora Jazire!

These are really good questions! Well done for coming up with such thoughtful ones. I'm sure she'd have lots of great advice for children all around New Zealand!

Nicky :)

jolie said...

Kia Ora Jazire

Great work! I like all of youre question. My favourite would have to be "Did you learn anything from the places you visited?" it really got me thinking of what Laura would say. Have a great holiday :)


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