
Monday, 25 December 2017

Summer Learning Journey Day 2 Week 2

Summer Learning Journey
Day 2

Activity 1 - Watch the trailer for Gold Rush. On your blog, tell us what you think the movie is about. There are no words spoken movie so you will need to pay careful attention to what the actors are doing! Do you think you would enjoy watching a silent film? Why/Why not?

I think this movie is about finding gold, or racing for gold. I don't think I'd like to watch a silent movie because normally I like movies with sound!

activity 2 - In the 1920s a new artistic movement emerged in New Zealand (and around the world). It was called ‘Art Deco.’ The picture to the right is a classic example of an ‘Art Deco’ piece. Take a close look at the painting. Do you like it?

On your blog, give the painting a rating out of 5 stars (1 star = terrible painting, 2 stars = pretty bad painting, 3 stars = okay painting, 4 stars = good painting and 5 stars = amazing painting). After you’ve rated the painting out of 5, tell us why you gave it that rating.
Self Portrait By Tamara de Lempicka.

I like this painting and I think I would give it a 4 star rating because of the detail and effort that was put into the painting!

Bonus Activity - Imagine that you were a member of the flight crew. Write a poem that describes how you would have felt when you landed safely in Christchurch after such a long trip. Remember, there are lots of different types of poems, and they don’t all have to rhyme. You can read more about different types of poems by clicking here.

We've landed safely
Here at last
It took minutes
It took hours
It took days to get to Christchurch!
Finally able to rest
In a comfortable bed
Here at long-last
In Christchurch!

Note - Sorry I posted this on the wrong date SLJ! We had a minor problem today...


Anonymous said...

Hi Jazire
What amazing work you have done!!! What was your favourite part of this activity and why???

Anonymous said...

Hey Vedel! My favourite part was probably writing the poem! What was yours?

Anonymous said...

Hi Jazire
My favourite part was also writing the poem...

sarah Glen Innes School said...

Hi Jarzie

Outstanding work you have done Jarzie, Well done. I loved how you gave an explanation on why you rated the painting 4 stars. Do you want to be a artist when you grow up?

Nicky Bloy said...

Hi Jazire!

I also prefer movies with sound! However, I find it interesting to watch to see what movies were like back then. What were some of the differences you noticed between Goldrush and movies made in the 2000's?

A 4 star rating is pretty good! Is there any reason you why you gave it a 4 and not a 5? What was something you maybe didn't like?

Well done on your poem! It's really effective and simple. Is it a diamante poem?

Keep up the fabulous blogging and I look forward to reading more of your work.

Nicky :)

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