
Friday 16 September 2016

A poem/rhyme about Spring

Name: Jazire                                                                               Date: 16 sep 2016

WALT: use rhyming words in our writing.

Find words that rhyme with the following:

Sun - Fun
Spring - Bring
Bud - Stud
Buds - Spuds
New - Few
Fresh - Dress
Hop - Drop
Green - Seen
Emerging - Burning
Born - Corn
Air - Fair
Warm - Storm
Warmer - Corner
Flowers - Hours
Plants - Stance
Leaves - Heaves
Shoot - Flute
Grow - Flow

Write a poem using the words above to show you understand rhyming words.

It’s Spring

It’s spring It’s spring the time of fun
It’s spring, time to play in the sun

We’ll sit down and relax under a tree, by its stud
And make ourselves at home by eating some tasty spuds

We only have a little, we only have a few
but we can just get up and do something new
We can play hop scotch (hop hop hop)
We can play hop scotch and hop until we drop

We will lay down on the grass so green
And stare at all the pretty flowers
The loveliest flowers I’ve ever seen
I could gaze at them for hours

As the sun, from the clouds is emerging
It hits me with its beautiful rays, burning

We can watch some new plants be born
And out of them will come little corn
The skin of it will be very fresh
Hahaha, on the corn, the leaves look like a dress.

It feels so calm, the beautiful air
I think that the weather is also so fair

The sun today is so hot, so warm
You don’t need a raincoat today, there is no storm

As the clouds cover the sun, just as it starts to get warmer
It comes out again peeking its head around the corner

I see a gardener as he heaves
A handful of brown, yellow, red and green leaves.

We look back down at one of the growing plants
It looks like a dancer with a ballerina stance

We should play some netball, who first is gonna shoot
We play our game whilst someone nearby is playing the flute

We go down to the beach, leaving the little sprouts to grow
WOW look at the water, it has a cool flow

It’s spring it’s spring a lot of joy it will bring
My favourite season is (you already know) spring!

This is my work on a poem about spring.
I think that this helped me to learn to use better and more descriptive words in my writing, so that I can improve. I like my choice of words and matter. I also like how the first words and second words in the first part of my poem fit together in the story. I will now use a lot more descriptive and fun rhyming words in my writing, to show that I can improve and learn heaps.


Unknown said...

Hey Jarize
great job keep it up

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