
Friday 3 June 2016

The foods journey to the large intestine

NAME: Jazire                                                        DATE:  2 June 2016

The food’s journey to the large intestine.

Introduction: The food you eat takes a long trip down to your stomach. It has to go through alot of obstacles so that it can reach your stomach.
When you chew your food, and it reaches your stomach, it gets mushed up into a liquidy surface by the acid that is in you right now.

The foods journey down through the mouth leads into another part of your body called the...

Esophagus. The esophagus is a pipe-like tube in your body that runs from your throat to your stomach. This tube helps your food to be pushed down.

Stomach. When the food arrives into your stomach, it stays in there for a while so that it can be transformed into mushy liquid.

The small intestine. The small intestine is basically the longest part in your body. It is also very thin and can produce good things from food like proteins, vitamins and irons.

The large intestine. This part of your body is very thick and is smaller than the small intestine. The large intestine also has a very important job to do.
This part of your digestive system holds all of the salt and water.

Fun fact: Did you know that as soon as you open your mouth, your digestive system switches on immediately, before you even eat food.


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