Day 3
Sorry readers, for not posting in a while, but I have had many family issues and problems lately, including departure from this world. A lot of my parents' close friends and family have been passing away in the past few weeks, and we've been moving all around! I thank you for your understanding, Jazire.....
Activity 1 - In 1996, New Zealand adopted the MMP voting system. In September of 2017 we had a national election. Everyone in New Zealand, over the age of 18, was invited to vote for who they wanted to form the next government in New Zealand. The race was really close and in the end, three different political parties (Labour, New Zealand First and the Green Party), came together to form the new government. It is called a ‘coalition government’ because it includes different people from different political parties.
Imagine that you had to form a coalition government with two other people. Who would you choose to partner with?
I would form a coalition with my son, Aronui, and with my friend, Amber. Aronui would be a great addition to the coalition because he is funny and kind. He would make us laugh and take care of us. Amber would be great because she is really smart and thoughtful. She is also good at making decisions. I think that we would form a great team. What about you? Who would you choose? Why?
I would choose my best friend, Chozyn and his younger brother, Tumanako. Chozyn is thoughtful and smart. Tumanako is cheeky and he cracks me up! And I am very intellegent!
Activity 2 - Over the past few decades, there has been a huge rise in the number of people coming to New Zealand to live and/or travel. I was one of those people! In fact, I moved with my family to New Zealand in 2010 and I am so glad that I did. It’s a pretty amazing place to call home! At the moment I live about 10 minutes from three stunning beaches and a beautiful national park.
Speaking of home, where do you live? On your blog, please post a picture of your hometown and provide a list of three things that tourists, like us, could do if we came to visit. What do you like most about your hometown? (Remember the guidelines for being Cybersmart, and never post your address online).
My hometown of Almonte, Ontario
1. Explore the great volcano of RangiToto
2. Discover wonderful beaches all around!
3. Enjoy my time there by going out with friends!
Bonus Activity - Over the past few years, a number of schools have changed the way that they teach. Instead of one teacher working in one classroom with one group of students, some schools have built huge classrooms where many teachers work together to teach a big group of students. This is called a ‘Modern Learning Environment’ (MLE).
Some people prefer Modern Learning Environments while others aren’t so sure. Take a look at the pictures above. The one on the left is a photograph of a traditional classroom, and the picture on the right is of a Modern Learning Environment.
Imagine that you are a teacher, and design your own classroom. What would it look like? What furniture would you have? I would love to have some beanbags for reading on.
Draw a floorplan of your classroom (either in Google Draw or on paper) and upload it to your blog. Describe what is special about your classroom and why you designed it this way.
I’ve drawn a classroom with pink carpet and bright coloured tables. I also included a kitchen so that we can do cooking every day and a HUGE bookshelf because I love to read! What would you like to see in your classroom?
This is what my classroom would look like...
Konichiwa Jazire,
my name is Cia. I am a Ako Hiko Summer Learning Journey commentator who will be working with various bloggers over the summer break.
Activity 1:
I think it great that you’ve pointed out the personal qualities of your chosen coalition partners as well as yourself. Perhaps you could be more specific about how those qualities will help your teamwork. What do you think Tumanako might add to the team dynamic? Might he be the mood maker? Or help lighten up the team when things seem a little glum?
My coalition partners would be my Mum and brother. Mum’s kind heartedness would help our team empathise with all sorts of people from different places. My brothers no nonsense attitude will help our group focus solely on the purpose of any task we do. My great attention to detail will ensure we always complete paperwork to a high degree.
Activity 2:
I love the picture of Tāmaki Makaurau you’ve used, that is some primo photography, just remember to credit the source of the image (unless you took it yourself). With your list of activities, I think the first one is great but the next two need a bit more detail. Please recommend some specific beaches and places to visit with friends in Auckland in order to earn full points for this activity.
I personally really like Cornwallis beach because it has many sides and a lot of privacy, have you been to this beach before?
Bonus Activity:
You’ve designed an interesting classroom, I think it’s great that you’ve included a kitchen. Had you thought about providing a space for a teacher’s desk? Perhaps next time you could include where the windows and exits as well as a device storage unit.
In my classroom, I’m thinking of having a couch in the library area, I think it’d help provide for a comfortable reading session. Would you add anything else to your floor plan? Let me know in the comment section below!
Toe feiloa’i fo’i ('See you again' in Samoan),
Hey Jazire
Amazing work!!! I can see a lot of effort in this blog piece. Which activity did you find hard and why??
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