
Monday 10 April 2017

Goodbye Miss Manu

One of our teachers' is retiring and I made something on google draw for her. Her name is Miss Manu and I am really going to miss her when she leaves.

River Talks

We went to the River Talks by mad Ave and learnt a lot! Down below, there is a link to my slide/presentation of the River Talks. I share this slide with a few friends of mine!
The River Talks( I am the river and the river is me)

Room 7 Paragraph

In class, we had to write a paragraph about Room 7, our class! It was a paragraph which we had to include detailed sentences, the topic sentence, and the concluding sentence.

Room 7
Room 7 is a very productive class. Room 7, a class in Glen Innes School, has just started to get creative. Just recently, the class has been doing loads of art. In this classroom, you will find colourful things everywhere, from colours and pictures to words and work. There are a lot of students in Room 7 who like to bring their own colourful things. Even their bags are entertaining. I guess you could say that this class is very imaginative, because they are always doing things that make their room better and innovative. Now when you walk into this classroom, you will see that there are all sorts of things you can do to make something beautiful.

Topic  sentence         - Tomato
Detailed  sentences  - Cheese
Concluding sentence - Lettuce


My Haiku Poems

I loooove writing Poems, especially Haiku, because they are very easy to write. Here are my Haiku Poems...

Explaining what a Haiku poem is:

Haiku poems are originally from Japan. Haiku poems have 3 lines.
They have a special rhythm to it. The first and last lines of Haiku poems have 5 syllables, while the middle line has 7.
A Haiku poem also is most often written about nature, weather, and other things that will be most recognisable to kids.

Here are some examples of what a Haiku poem looks like.

The best season yet
I can feel the autumn breeze
Blowing in my face

Image result for Autumn

Birds fly in the sky
Singing while they enjoy life
Looking down at me

Image result for bird

Flowers cool and fresh
Blooming pretty wonderful
Flowers are the best
Image result for Flowers

Adding & Subtracting Mixed Fractions

Name: Jazire

Screenshot 2017-04-04 at 10.58.55.png

Today I was working on adding and subtracting fractions. I got about ⅗ questions right when I first started but there was one I couldn’t quite work out. 7 ⅙ - 5 ⅚.  Next time I play I will be aiming at getting all 5 questions right.

Omaru Creek Games

A few students from my class and other classes were chosen to be ambassadors for a special production.
I was one, we were chosen by Mr Ramkolowan, the deputy principal at our school. He asked all of the ambassadors to create their own games based on our topic, the Omaru Creek. Enjoy my presentation of games!

Cat's Eyes

Screenshot 2017-03-08 at 11.35.53.png

“Hiss!” A sound came from the living room, followed by the noise of tears and rips, awakening me from my slumber. I walk into the lounge and switch on the light, allowing myself to see. I looked around in horror, there’s a whole lot of mess in my lounge. I search around for Shadow, my pet cat, she must’ve been the cause of the rips and clawmarks on my couches and the pillows all scarred. Then I remember, cat eyes can glow in the dark. I switch off the light and look around for her. “AHA!” I find 2 glowing balls and realize it’s Shadow. She was camoflauged with my favourite black coat, because it was the same colour as her fur. “I guess cat’s eyes can help in a situation like this one.” I said, as I place her back in her pet cage. Then, I flip the couch cushions over. “Looks good and new, with just a bit of stitches out of place.” I then throw my pillows into Shadows bed, I thought those could be hers now. “Now I can finally rest.” I sigh. Not too long after, I hear something. “CRASH!” Something was being smashed in the kitchen. I knew just who it was. But I wasn’t worried, for Shadow’s eyes were very helpful.

Thursday 6 April 2017

Olivia and the Rainbow fish (And how Omaru Creek got its name)

Olivia and the Rainbow Fish

There is a link above that will take you to a presentation about Omaru Creek. I called it Olivia and the Rainbow Fish, because it's about a girl named Olivia who helps a dying fish. The fish is first blue then turns a rainbow colour. I hope you enjoy reading this presentation! :)

Information report on dragonflies

Name: Jazire
Information report on dragonflies

Dragonflies are flying creatures with 4 large transparent wings that are slightly narrow at the start of each.

These mystical creatures have only three body parts. The head, the thorax, and the abdomen. The dragonfly has two large eyes that take up most of its head. There are also three pairs of jointed legs attached to its short, thin thorax.

Dragonflies and damselflies start life in the water, so they are commonly spotted around ponds, streams and other water compounds. Considering dragonflies are great flyers, they are sometimes found a long way from water.

Dragonflies are fast moving critters, and have the average speed of 4.5 metres per second (10 mph). They move by alternating their wings one at a time, which allows the dragonfly to hover like a helicopter.

Adult dragonflies mostly eat other flying insects like midges, mosquitoes, moths and butterflies. The larvae, or nymphs, that live in the water will basically eat anything smaller than themselves.

Dragonflies have a fierce behaviour and are very brave hunters, in fact if modern day dragonflies were the same as dragonflies were back then, then swimming in water compounds would be much much scarier because there would be a slight chance of you getting attacked.

There are three stages in the life cycle of all dragonflies. The egg, the larva(nymph), and the adult. Surprisingly, dragonflies only live as adults for about 7 months! Less if they’re unlucky. The dragonfly can live up to more than a year in total. Dragonflies and damselflies mate whilst in the air, and when a damselfly lays an egg, she will find a suitable plant to put it on, but if she can’t find one, she drops it in the water.